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Payless ShoeSource International Limited (ShenZhen)

    Payless ShoeSource was founded in 1956 in Topeka, Kansas. In 1961, Payless became a public company, as Volume Shoe Corporation. Today, Payless ShoeSource is the largest family footwear retailer in the Western Hemisphere. Payless operates more than 4,600 stores in all 50 U.S. states. Payless stores feature fashionable, quality footwear and accessories for women, men and children at affordable prices in a self-selection format.

Payless ShoeSource International Limited (Shenzhen), was founded in 2003 as Asian headquarter of Payless. Every year, PSIL has been closely working with core factories to produce about 0.2 billion pairs of shoes in China and shipped to USA for sale.

We are seeking for capable and professional talents to join our expanding dynamic team in China.

[Payless ShoeSource International Limited (ShenZhen)招聘信息,来源于鞋业人才网ShoesHR.com,未经允许,切勿转载! ]


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联 系 人: 王小姐 联系人职务: 人事专员
公司规模: 100人以下 所在地区: 广东 深圳
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  • 邮箱:2567694643@qq.com
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