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东莞葛天那鞋袋制造有限公司 简介
Company Website: http://www.cortina-group.com (Company Introduction Video is embedded)
公司网址: http://www.cortina-group.com (内含公司视频介绍)
葛天那集团(Cortina Group)成立于1950年,是一家专注于鞋子设计、开发、销售、采购的大型欧洲外资企业。在全球七十多个国家拥有三千多个客户群体,每年从中国采购鞋子2500万双。公司欧洲总部位于比利时,中国区总部位于东莞。中国总部员工300 余人,建立了自有的现代化鞋业知识链基地。由比利时总部负责设计与销售,中国总部负责样品制作,技术转移,订单跟踪,品质管控,物流运输等。
Company Profile:
Cortina Group, being founded in 1950, is a big European ownership company specialized in shoe designing, selling and purchasing. There are over 3000 customers in more than 70 countries, with yearly purchasing quantity of 25 million pairs from China market. With Europe headquarters in Belgium and China headquarters in Dongguan, Cortina has built our own modern chain of shoe knowledge station, together with over 300 employees in China. Belgium headquarters is responsible for designing and selling, and China headquarters for sample making, commercialization, order follow-up, quality assurance and logistic transportation, etc.
Cortina follows closely the development of technology and promotes the systematic working mold, therefore invests huge fund on development, maintenance and upgrading of hardware and software, so as to improve the work efficiency of the employees.
Cortina has yearly stable increase of sales, and never stops concluding, improving and perfecting so as to stay long term competitive on our products.
1.充足的假期: 所有法定节假日及员工婚假、产假、丧假及带薪年假
2.优越的食宿: 公司提供食宿,不扣除宿舍水电费及电视费,且住宿及餐饮条件优越
4. 完善的社会福利: 五险一金
5. 舒适的工作及生活环境: 干净整洁的办公环境及融洽的人文氛围,公司还为员工设立咖啡厅、瑜伽房、健身房、电影室,配备宿舍空调, 等
6. 交通福利:上下班专车接送,直达东莞市区、厚街
Social Benefit:
1.Holidays: All legal holidays, marriage leaves, maternity leaves, funeral leaves and annual holiday.
2.Food and accommodation: Cortina provides pleasant conditions of dormitory and food (no deduction of water, electricity and TV cost)
3.Competitive salary: Yearly opportunity for salary adjustment or promotion based on turnover of the company and performance of the employees. There is also end-year-bonus based on individual performance.
4.Social insurance: Standard social insurances and housing fund
5.Nice work and life environment: Clean, neat, modern and harmonious working and living environment.
There are coffee bar, yoga room, gym room, movie room, and air conditioning in dorm for free.
6.Transport benefits: shuttle bus from/to Dongguan city and Houjie
Benefit of Chinese New Year return ticket of plane, train, bus, etc. according to certain rules of working years.
1.充足的学习机会: 公司重视员工能力的发展,建构日趋完善的员工培训系统,不定期针对员工专业能力及管理能力开展培训或课程,并为员工提供免费的英语学习课堂
2.广阔的发展空间: 随着集团成长和规模扩充,公司为员工提供宽阔的事业平台,鼓励员工学习发展,不断在公司内部创造员工本部门或跨部门的晋升机会
Employee Development:
1.Plenty of learning opportunity: Cortina constantly arranges related trainings on professional knowledge and management skills. There is also English class for free.
2.Development space for employees: Cortina pays high attention to the development of employees, continuously looking for promotion inside and outside of departments.
邮箱: Resume@cortinachina.com
Recruitment Channel:
Welcome to send your resume to Human Resource Department of Cortina.
Email address: Resume@cortinachina.com
公司网址: http://www.cortina-group.com
Transport Guidance:
Company address: Niu Dun Industrial estate, Hengli, Wang Niu Dun, Dongguan 523216, Guangdong Province
Company Website: http://www.cortina-group.com
GPS please search: 东莞葛天那鞋袋制造有限公司