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广州荣展商贸有限公司 简介
广州荣展商贸有限公司是一家生产世界品牌运动鞋、休闲鞋的企业,目前主要生产休闲鞋、运动鞋,硫化鞋。目前贸易80人,年产量约350万双,主要外贸品牌有ADIDASI、NIKE、SKERCHERS、DIADORA、FILA、THE NORTH FACE等,内销品牌有李宁、卡门、森马等。公司秉持着资源共享、互利共赢的经营理念,为各自所需成就梦想!!!
立足于中国工厂,我们用近25年的制鞋经验,设计,开发,生产,全面开拓,出口地区遍布世界各个角 落。我们和您共同面对市场,合作共臝
Trusted to design, develop, manufacture and deliver to all corners of the world for twenty-five years, we are truly a global trader with our own factory base. From well established brands to new start-ups we seek to be your supportive and reliable global partner.
迎合世界环境需求,我们针对形势,在不同地M设立办公地点,利用当地优势。越南,柬埔寨,印度,中 国,最优的品质,最好的单价,针对性满足您的需求。
With offices and manufacturing hubs in labor rich countries ——Vietnam, Cambodia, India and China — we combine expert local knowledge with global reach to deliver on your exacting needs. We pride ourselves to deliver on the precise needs of our customers ——wherever, whenever and at the best quality money can buy.
Excellent Team Work & Services
Our seamless manufacturing-to-market solutions include rigorous quality control with SOP procedures, Test requirements can be carried at our factory testing facilities or nominated labs to give a worry-free assurance of quality and therefore, prompt delivery date.
Wide Product Range to Choose From
运动,休闲,户外,硫化,拖鞋,皮鞋我们与优质工厂长期合作,针对不一样的类型,取其所长,最优品 质,最赞品质,_站式购齐
Besides having our own factory, we have the cooperation of like-minded manufacturers who produce different types of footwear from ours. Pooled with our forte in athletic shoes for running and outdoor, espadrilles, casual shoes, slippers and sandals
DNJ can truly claim that you will be able to find a wide spectrum of footwear under one roof.
Combined Strength Makes Sustainability Possible!
我们的使命Our Mission:
As a responsible global business firmly grounded in our factory root, we are committed to making a positive contribution to the markets and communities we serve.
公司背景 Company BackGround:
Our entrepreneurial spirit, combined with a world class manufacturing and distribution network, provide a strong footing to explore fresh markets, new products and innovative partnerships.
In an ever-changing global economy, we have the flexibility to adapt and rise to the challenges ahead. Valued qualities of trust, dependability and, above all, partnership are rooted in our business dealings.
We are well equipped forthe road ahead, and it promises to be a fruitful journey.
Welcome to the RONGZHAN international global family