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Materials Specialist

行业类别: 鞋厂类 职位类别: 采购
所属部门: 材料 工作地区: 广东 广州
月薪待遇: 1万-1.5万元 招聘人数: 1
工作年限: 5-10年 学历要求: 大专
性别要求: 不限 年龄要求:
更新时间: 2024/05/03 有效日期: 三个月
Key Roles & Responsibilities :
 Sourcing support for materials/components from T2 based on request from Product Development Teams (Global and Regional) and OpCOs
 Support and coordinate on specific materials/components developments requests from Products Teams and OpCOs with T2
 Seasonal material swatch card updates from T2 supporting Product Teams & OpCOs
 Update consolidated T2 material specs & prices into materials database on a regular basis.
 Updating consolidated materials code into system and keeping relevant parties informed.
 Support on monthly consumption report from T2 on consolidated materials.
 Coordinate with TPD, T2 and T1 factories on trial samples arrangement for newly developed/sourced materials.
 Assistance on coordinating with T2/CSR team and suppliers for factory audit
 Provide T2 supplier information to QC team (when necessary)
 Assist to coordinate and provide materials/components for testing (internal or external labs)
 Record maintenance of all consolidated materials, business terms, approved swatch cards, lab test, etc.
 Coordination with T2 raw material suppliers for materials and PD for samples & supply chain for orders as well as factory for committed orders swatch & work as per the timeline given.
 To maintain in good order and update the library of raw materials/ accessories/ components to facilitate the selection of the Product developer.


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广州佰达仕鞋业有限公司 简介

    Bata鞋业公司——全球最大的综合鞋业集团之一,于1894年,在欧洲捷克斯洛伐克的Zlin注册,至今已经有百多年历史!主要业务以鞋类产品的研发、生产、销售为主。产品涵括童鞋、男鞋、女鞋、时尚、商务休闲、运动鞋、健康鞋、工业用鞋等等。Bata 不断引领全球鞋业在生产,技术和销售等各方面的创新潮流,拥有了众多的“第一”,“第一个引入现代化生产设备”“第一个采用现代化零售机制”,“第一个采用广告市场推广手段”等,成功推动了现代鞋业的不断发展。发展至今,Bata业务遍及全球70多个国家和地区,拥有5000多间零售店铺和10000多家经销店,拥有全球50,000多名员工,全球22个国家拥有33个生产基地,每天服务超过1,000,000位顾客.
Materials Specialist



  • 总机:020-34636641
  • 分机:020-34636643
  • 邮箱:2567694643@qq.com
  • 反馈:提交问题
